
If the title of this blog was not self-explanatory, this is a blog about crime. Specifically, true crime and the worthy anecdotes of how much coffee I drink to remain a functioning human being. Posts will be about various topics and cases that are related to the fields of criminal justice and criminology.

*NOTE* This blog will contain graphic details of many cases that may not be suitable for some people. Reader discretion is advised.

My name is Jess. I'm an undergraduate college student studying criminology and behavior analysis, currently in my senior year. At this point, I have likely consumed somewhere into the triple digits in terms of cups of coffee since beginning college. I would like to point out that until I began college, I did not drink coffee. College changes a person. It also brought me deeper into the depths of researching crimes and criminals. I have studied multiple cases of some of the worst kinds of criminals, from serial killers to rapists to kidnappers to child abusers - and we'll get to talk about all of them.

Outside of the whole crime and coffee obsessions, I also enjoy reading, working out, and telling my friends useless facts that they never wanted to know in the first place.

If you have any questions, feel free to leave a comment.




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